Fat Removal
Ways You Can Remove Stubborn Back Fat With and Without Treatment
As with features like love handles or a double chin, bra bulges aren't the easiest to get rid of, despite how common they may be.
For many of us, the ever-recurring question of how to lose back fat can be answered via exercise and diet alone. Still, back fat can be quite stubborn, meaning it may not respond to newly incorporated workouts or clean eating, which could lead you to consider undergoing a cosmetic procedure.
Reduce Your Calories
Fat accumulates around the body in ways primarily dictated by genetics, muscle use, and excess calorie consumption. If you're generally overweight, then it's likely that your dietary habits cause your back fat.
You cannot spot reduce-fat via dieting, which entails that you'll have to get rid of your back fat by approaching fat loss in an overall manner. That shouldn't be considered a negative issue, given that your entire body will be fitter.
Still, the only way to lose back fat naturally is by consuming fewer calories than the body burns daily. This approach will result in fat being lost throughout the body in an order primarily determined by genetics. If your back tends to be the last place where fat is reduced, you will either need to lose considerable weight to achieve your goals or may want to consider a cosmetic procedure.
Approach Exercise in The Correct Manner
In addition to reducing your caloric intake, you should also consider targeting the back with specific strength exercises. Compound exercises like deadlifts, rows, pull-downs, and pull-ups are excellent strength training options.
In addition to back workouts, include plenty of cardio exercises to get your heart rate up, which will help you burn extra calories. Strength training helps tone the back by building muscle, and cardio helps burn calories quickly. Of course, back exercises should also elevate the heart rate, thereby burning energy in the process, so you may want to stagger your strength and cardio days.
Be patient with exercising and dieting. They will show results only if you do them consistently and frequently.
A More Surgical Approach: Back Liposuction
Traditional liposuction is considered an effective procedure to remove fat in targeted areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and back.
Liposuction is often performed under general anesthesia. The procedure requires several incisions around the back, through which a vacuum-like device called a cannula removes the fat via aspiration.
There are alternatives to traditional liposuction that use tumescent solutions and even lasers to prepare the fat before extraction, making it easier to remove.
Nonetheless, back fat treatments have come a long way, which is why there are now providers such as Elite Body Sculpture that can remove back fat without utilizing the invasive properties of traditional surgeries, like general anesthesia.
Elite Body Sculpture's Back Fat Removal Technique
Elite Body Sculpture's fat removal procedures use AirSculpt® to provide patients with a next-generation body sculpting experience.
Back AirSculpt® targets stubborn fat on the back bra rolls, buffalo hump, and lower back and tailbone region to deliver the slender and sloped figure patients desire. Whereas traditional liposuction often requires patients to be put under general anesthesia, our patients always remain fully awake.
Our technique removes fat with fine tools that rotate rapidly, enabling fat cells to be gently plucked with robotic precision. No scalpels, stitches, or needles are used during AirSculpt®, as everything is performed through entry points just two millimeters in diameter.
Instead of painful needles, our AirPen numbs your back using pressurized air differentials. Using a dermal punch to create an entryway allows us to avoid using scalpels to cut the skin and make incisions. These entry points heal independently with bandages and compression garments, so there is no need to return to have stitches removed.
If you're interested in learning more about the AirSculpt® back fat removal procedure, call our London body contouring office to schedule your consultation.